quinta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2017

Good morning dear,
 I'll wait for you with a cup of hot tea in the morning ...
 at night your dark beer in an inexpensive glass ....
 the fog that covers your eyes prevents me from seeing me .. ..
. erase the memory of sweets Words ... you'll be mine forever .... run away, erase everything I said ... some words when spoken ... cant be taken back .... cold drops warm the heart .... the wind takes me ... pulls away .... I seek, I hope .... the life turns ... the eternal return .... always be mine .... hate me .... wish me ....  humil me..... the turns of life .... I will always be the one that appeared and made you feel ..... after that only the empty streets ... waiting for the train .... your dark beer awaits you In the warmth of tables smelling old wood and old-fashioned lampshades.

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